

Your comprehensive source of #AssassinsCreed news, lore analysis and promo material. This Fansite is founded by Star Player & Brand Ambassador @RinoTheBouncer.

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Quote or reply with four games you wish you could experience for the first time, again.

5 138

Early concepts arts of settings and ideas that did not make it to the final products, including:

✅ Mesopotamia / Iraq
✅ Petra, Jordan
✅ Mysterious Isu “Core” Vault

Created by: , &

41 324

explored countless settings around world, from major cities to small villages. Where should we go next, with Assassin’s Creed Infinity potentially giving more room for smaller games and ever-expanding big titles?

20 257



Valhalla - The Siege of Paris expansion is coming August 12th, 2021.

🔁 Retweet if you’re ready for the next chapter if Eivor’s journey!

What part of the narrative are you excited for/hoping to see explored in this expansion?

66 290

Art Director announces his departure from Ubisoft and the franchise after 16 years of incredible work. Let us celebrate his wondrous journey and send him our love and gratitude for shaping Assassin’s Creed in the most beautiful way possible!

15 115



Would you like to see past games re-released upgraded for with new story content? If so, what titles would they be and what type of content would you like to see added to them?

14 166

Top 4 characters:

✅ Ezio Auditore
✅ Altair Ibn-La’Ahad
✅ Desmond Miles
✅ Basim Ibn-Ishaq

Quote/Retweet this with four of your most favorite Assassin’s Creed characters, tagging four friends.

11 77

Lost Legacy was being developed exclusively for Nintendo 3DS. It was announced at Nintendo's E3 2010 press conference, and would’ve featured Ezio Auditore da Firenze as the protagonist. The project was cancelled and the concept evolved into Revelations.

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