

Physical Therapist Specializing in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Custom Orthotic Fabrication | #GACC Chief Communications Officer

フォロー数:924 フォロワー数:1022

Lots going on over More and more traits are delisted. So many gramps in 💎 hands. No more chef coats listed

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Did someone say Tacos? 🌮 ❤️. My taco king is loving the new 🌮 command! Stop by our Discord and say Hi!

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Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!! Excited for the extra light that spring brings 🐣 ☀️

14 30

Wow!!!! ACF670 is the owner of BAYC Pink Unshaven Cigar /Merch T. His Grandpa is tough as nails, still smokin his stogies. Only 1 Unshaven Cigar gramps listed A favorite trait for sure. None listed 👀

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Partaaaay with your pink bucket!! Whoop whoop!! 🙌🏼 🙌🏼

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It’s Thursday down at the club!! Poker tonight with DecentraDegens!! Stop by and check us out.. holds beginner poker instruction on the greens for all our new players.. we got chu over here. Show me your poker face

14 23

People love NFT’s they can relate to. Show em 👀. He is bored of cooking. Looking through glasses to find something interesting to make for dinner Aka me by Wed. 🙄

9 23

Shout out from Mick. Hope everyone has a great week!! He’s a little bored these days. He likes to look at the world through 3D glasses and wears his silk robe like a king 👑 Rock On to all my Web3 Legends!!

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Happy Flipped Brim Friday Fam!! Show your brims have a great day!! Join us on the greens ⛳️ is throwing another dj party that will be off the hook

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The Grandpa Ape Country Club will be one of the first NFT collections to inscribe unique token ID#’s on 5,000 Bitcoin Satoshis!!! The old geezers jumped right in and will have some of the earliest inscriptions. Not bad for a bunch of old monkeys🦍🙉🙊🙈

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