

A war-gaming hobbyists and painter of miniatures. Taranis Owners Club, Titan Owners Club, YouTuber, Warcradle Warhost.…

フォロー数:660 フォロワー数:2763

Happy my fellow Princeps.

Venatores Luna - Hunters Moon of is ready for battle.

That’s 132 done, now onto the next one.

9 119

Just a little something that I’ve worked on after the completion of my newest addition to my collection. 😃🤘🏻

4 59


I did some work on a photo I took at March of the Warmasters and it’s turned out rather lovely. 😃

2 47

The last of my Warlord titans have been finished for my

Maimaktes - Thirst for Bloodshed joins his brethren to bring destruction to the enemies of the Warmaster.

13 94

Raptoris strides through the ruins of a pedestrian precinct in the outer reaches of the Imperial Palace.

3 45

‘What army are you doing for the Heresy?’

‘I doing White Scars’.

0 37

You asked for tiny squares so I bring you tiny squares upon teeny tiny Titans. 😃

2 15

Raptoris, Reaver Titan of the Legio Ignatum strides amongst the ruination of the Imperial Palace, following its orders dutifully, exterminating the enemy with fiery hearted fury.

4 32

Iracundos as it hunts within the arterial walls of the Imperial Palace during the final days of the Siege of Terra.

3 44

In tribute to the imminent pre order of ‘Libre Mechanicum’ I thought that I’d create a little picture to celebrate it. 😃🤘🏻

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