

Something sleeps beneath the forest floor…🍄 (created by @_lesofie) coming soon

フォロー数:74 フォロワー数:384

Years spent walking these woods have never led me down this path
yet I know where it leads. Something new has emerged from the forest; at first fear is all I felt. Now, there is comfort here. There is a longing for the past, totally ineffable to a human person.

There is..Magic

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So I pack a rucksack with just the essentials and I head into these woods again.

I am eager to have something to tell her when I come home

But I know she’s just happy I’m keeping my word to find the magic.

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keep growing...keep going 🍄

5 25

this little fungie has appeared from the forest to say gm :)

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Say hi to The Fungies! -A community-driven collection of digital artworks formed to bring forests back to life 🌱

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