

Games news, reviews, videos, podcasts, and more: We are your one-stop station to get to your gaming destination.

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Let's take a look back at some of our selections for Game of the Year 2019! On the first day, we gathered the best in writing, audio, visuals, and presentation:

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What's that, over the horizon? Why, it's a VGCC podcast, ready to record! Send questions for the first mainline pod of 2021!

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Tom Holland's career keeps advancing, Rose's frustration is getting the better of her and the VGCC is recording tonight! Send us a question to read on the show and listen to a sample of a previous episode below:

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It’s anime night at the Chooch household. Households? We don’t live together. Anyway send questions and opinions about current anime or anime from the past. So all anime really.

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It's so here are all the emojis in which you should join by the way.

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If you want a taste of the VGCC's power before trusting us with your burning questions here's a clip from last week's episode, which you can listen to here or in your preferred podcast listening platforms:

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Another week, another recording! Gamers, we're sitting down to discuss the latest and going on in video games! Send questions to now and we'll talk it out!

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We are well on our way to hitting Episode 309! But take your time to catch up, as our went off with a pretty controversial take that might change the course of Final Fantasy history, from our latest.

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The latest Choochagatari is live, and this time the gang is going over the Spring 2020 season so you don't have to think about it.

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Catch up on the VGCC podcast before the new one releases this weekend! This week, we talked about things you can do while fixing a toilet.

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