The Lancetさんのプロフィール画像

The Lancetさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, published weekly since 1823.

フォロー数:462 フォロワー数:736893

NEW—No country is immune from health impacts of worsening climate change. Unless urgent action is taken, will threaten global health, disrupt lives & livelihoods, & overwhelm health-care systems: 2020 report

291 422

NEW Review—G Poland, I Ovsyannikova & R Kennedy discuss what is currently known about human humoral & cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 & relate this knowledge to the vaccines currently in phase 3 clinical trials

60 98

NEW—Jonathan D Mizrahi et al discuss latest developments in pancreatic cancer with respect to epidemiology and risk factors, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment, and conclude with future directions in the field over the next several years

36 89

Picture Quiz: X-rays & CT of 43-y-o man w/ multiple joint arthralgia show calcaneal, talar, navicular, acetabular, iliac & femoral enthesopathies w/ preserved hip joint spaces & no ankylosis. Which of the following is not associated with this pathology?

19 39

Roger Kneebone's review of War, Art and Surgery, at the Royal College of Surgeons

52 29

How changed global attitudes to war and infectious diseases

96 39