

I'm an animator.

I draw creature art, My Hero Academia and other fandom content I'm into, as well as my own random stuff 🏇

she/her 🌈

フォロー数:552 フォロワー数:205

Was I’ll but now I’m back for a wee bit.

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One day I’m going to direct a horse film, check back in a bunch of years 🐎

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The three starters, I was inspired a lot by on this :3

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I'm Loki,

I'm an animator from the UK. I've been working freelance on a bunch of music videos lately and just been working on leveling my art up 🐴

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Felt like doodling after work 🤷‍♀️

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I posted this just over a year ago and now its out! Can't wait to check it out and decide how much I like it compared to the OG which was my childhood!

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I completed Persona 5. I feel like I had an amazing experience and my heart was swelling by the end, what a journey. I’m sad that it’s over but so happy I experienced it. I need to lay down and contemplate it all now.

Joker can you scream my name like Akechi pls

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