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Even the most iconic Kaldorei Weapon in the history of Warcraft is locked to Demon Hunters while Darkshore warfront is filled with mail/plate/leather NE using the glaive models
For 15 years, NE NPC's have used glaives. Let players finally use them - they're already in game!
-WG design fits a faction or theme unavailable to the DH class
Kul Tiras glaive, Zandalari glaive, Forsaken glaive, Warfront H/A glaives just to name a few
Even Silvermoon Guards got updated glaives & they aren't classified as Demon Hunters - so why is this weapon type locked?
- not allow other melee classes to use them?
Glaives have been used by Darkspear Shadow Hunters (Shamans/Hunters), Suramar/Silvermoon guards (Warrior) , nearly every type of Night Elf guard/troop (rogue) for years in game
Vol'jin himself used a glaive too!
In BFA & SL, most-
On the topic of store mounts, why're people mad that they're "recolored & non-textured models"?
1st: They're completely different NEW models from the MoP Gryphon/Wyverns (same skeleton, yes)
2nd: Their texture is chiseled/ cracked stone. Statue-like, hence "Alabaster"
Thanks to @Blizzard_Ent we’ve got some Blizzcon Virtual tickets to giveaway! Follow & RT this tweet to enter! Contest ends Oct 27th