

24 year old Jamaican Nerd who makes art for fun and likes Birds.
Be Kind and Stay Safe ❤
(Will have Suggestive/Lewd Art and Retweets)…

フォロー数:2378 フォロワー数:4175

Who is Stronger?
Applejack or Maud Pie?

8 52

Red Pone and HIs Baby Sister!

1 4

A couple people asked for a Luna edit of the image I made.
So Why not??
DM me if you'd like a Hug from Luna or Celstia! ^_^

3 15

Aye yo hold up wait a minute 👀

1 4

Want a Hug from Principal Celestia?
DM Me and I'll make it for ya! :D

3 21

I really don't like Luna's design in Equestria Girls. Everyone else's designs were really good but Luna is just.....Eh. Like it's not terrible, but I don't understand why they went with the colors of when she first appeared in season 1.

6 21