Ops Does a Draw⚡️さんのプロフィール画像

Ops Does a Draw⚡️さんのイラストまとめ

I'm Ops. I draw TTRPG stuff and post about games.

I draw fat people. I'm not sorry. Don't like, don't look.

They/Them⚡️Agender⚡Old⚡DM 💖@ilikesharpteeth💖

フォロー数:94 フォロワー数:177

our bard ( ) sure does like to harass our skinny nervous wizard boy.

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When you get to play an evil campaign and your character is a cannibalistic murder. I had a lot of fun in this campaign.

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When I ran my very first campaign based in my homebrew world, the major characters the party needed to find were show to them on Tarot cards and I drew them up. The rest are in the thread here. ( 1 of 2) :)

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We are playing a one shot that is a mystery themed with a1920's feel. We needed some brawn So I flavored a monk to be a pugilist, and flavored it more by being a kobold, and a street urchin. I'm the dumb fast punching idiot...and I love it.

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Ya know what is a hill that I will die on? Like I will battle you and screech to the heavens about it?

Fat Elves are awesome and are perfectly viable and just as valid as skinny lithe elves.

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I hear it's a trend right now to draw wizard boys in revealing clothes huh?

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I'm way to sleepy to set up anything else tonight, but Hi! I'm Ops. I'm kind of new to the community, and I draw lots of fantasy art! I'll be posting stuff little by little, but stick around for more cool/cute fantasy art.

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