Madoka Kaname & Gus Would Renew Infinity Trainさんのプロフィール画像

Madoka Kaname & Gus Would Renew Infinity Trainさんのイラストまとめ

Inspiring animator,living shitpost -- (Xe/Xim | 22 | Pansexual) || My Ao3 is The_Magnificent_0taku_san || READ BEETLEHANDS (WEBTOON) BY HERHUMANIST

フォロー数:943 フォロワー数:159

A thread of Infinity Train beta/concept art because I literally can't find them all in one place

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I won't get an AO3 invite until September 19th but I'm really proud of these two screenshots I made for chapter 1 so have the caption-less versions now

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New Kez redesign for the 2DadsRymin AU. Also she's Blasian (Specifically half Vietnamese)

2 5

Everything I made for the 2DadsRymin AU so far (With one non-canon shot for fun)

28 88