


Run by: Cole Shoemaker (@ShoemakerCole)

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Happy to be back on our main storyline tonight as we descend/ascend thru the Crying Mountains in the elemental Plane of Earth. Live at 7PM PST

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Hello! If we get 5 Tier 1 subs tonight on we'll do a giveaway of a for a Dungeons & Dragons 5E Starter Set and if we get 10 subs we will giveaway a New 5E Players Handbook! see you tonight!!!

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Live now! for some lore and world building come help me out make the largest metropolis ruled by the 3 Great Wyrm Emperors!

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Coolest, Shocking, or Terrifying reveal your DM has done in your game?

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Props to my DnD players for bringing it last night with some fantastic roleplay and staying true to their characters. Gotta flex those acting muscles when you can.

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With Kingdom Hearts 3 done and Game of Thrones wrapping up... there's nothing more to live for...

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If you had no idea on how to roleplay your DnD class, what movies/tv shows should you watch to generate some ideas?

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