

🇦🇷 ★ Freelance Illustrator ★Streamer ★ White Park Grand Chateau CEO ★ DMs are for commissions only!
("hi" dms will be ignored)

フォロー数:693 フォロワー数:21800

She's just playing games🎵

273 1495

Congrats, David! and thank you for the space!
I'm Adrian (he/him), I'm a freelance illustrator mostly focused on Sonic right now.
Hoping to one day make a cover! Here's some stuff from this year!
Worked with some youtube folks and did art for some games.

6 78

The Waitress

247 2165

no joke, I kinda like how she looks here 👀👀
still, not canon

45 595

Employee of the Month

153 1305

such a pointless character

112 1246

I love Lily

100 989