Giant Rat That Makes All Of The Rulesさんのプロフィール画像

Giant Rat That Makes All Of The Rulesさんのイラストまとめ

Born To Be Mild

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:30

yknow what
they sure as hell arent reblogging my shit any time soon

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me hearing anything that vaguely sounds like a car
mmmmaybe they thought i said 6

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i swear im gonna like
see him at the mall or something and just

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drawing pokemon for ppl on tungle dot hell 😩✌🏻️
(my back hurts like im fucking 80 or some shit and i still have more coming in bye)

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hnnnghggnnghgfhhv Hørśëžędrïńē

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i wanna die this show looks so ugly and already the sans undertale fuckers are sending death threats to every1 who makes fun of it

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