

Artist, DnD, writer, RP'er... I'm a lot of things, trying to find my calling :} Please, no one under 18 years of age interacting🤚🏻

フォロー数:962 フォロワー数:404

Just three weeks until the premiere of the Scarlet Gate Inn!

I still have the entire latest episode to edit through, whew...
But, at least the first five episodes are ready for release!

Bi-weekly release schedule, hopefully, from January 1st, if all goes according to keikaku

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Ears, tail (thylacine influenced) and sharp teeth are the only thing non-human, but she does use a potion to look completely human for a few hours! She's a kickbox-style fighter, and a lot more shy than she appears. She tries to look like a badass to avoid getting picked on :c

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Ludenza: shifter-ish, lacks the actual shifting ability due to her father's lineage. So, she was born in a mid-state and always been that way. Best she can do, unlike her siblings, is grow massive claws on hands and feet, and her teeth get shark-y c: (thylacine variety)

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When we'd visit my biological father, he'd be playing Doon, Wolfenstien or Mechwarrior

My sister mostly played the Atari (but I kept it!) and we had so much fun with Sonic and she used me as a chew toy in Mortal Combat...

Imagine a little kid using DOS To install games

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Made some more!
Iunno, man, I just started having fun for no reason
I guess I was just avoiding audio editing hahaha........
I'm using a twenty year old art program to make these so they're kinda dated x: oh, well! The purple flowers were a free download o:

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