Paul Couchman - Regency Cookさんのプロフィール画像

Paul Couchman - Regency Cookさんのイラストまとめ

Helping you to understand & enjoy 18th & 19th-century food & history.

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Did you know that the 1st Monday after Twelfth Night is Plough Monday? Today :)

In some parts, farm labourers would drag a decorated plough around the streets. The ploughmen would put on their best smocks for the occasion.

Have you heard of Plough Monday before? Let me know.

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To a gallon of spring water add cinnamon & cloves, plenty of orange & lemon juice, & a bit of the peel of each; sweeten well, & whisk it with the whites of 6 eggs, & the yolk of one, give it a boil, & let it simmer for 10 minutes, run through a jelly bag & cool.


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Gooseberry Sauce
Top & tail them close with a pair of scissors, & scald 1/2 pint of green Gooseberries; drain them on a hair-sieve, & put them into 1/2 pint of melted Butter.

Some add grated ginger & Lemon-Peel & the French minced fennel. Whole or mashed.

William Kitchiner 1831

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Carrots Puffs

Scrape & boil carrots & mash them fine, add to a pint of pulp 1/2 pint of breadcrumbs, eggs, 4 whites to the pint, a nutmeg grated, some orange-flower water, sugar to taste, a little sack, & mix with thick cream. Fry in rendered suet very hot.

18th century recipe

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To fry Celery

Boil your celery as for a raggoo, then cut it & dip it in Batter, fry it a light Brown in Hog's lard, put it on a plate, & pour melted Butter upon it.

Elizabeth Raffald.
The Experienced English House-Keeper 1769

But do you even like celery?

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Apple Water

Cut 2 large apples in slices, & pour a quart of boiling water on them, or on roasted apples, strain it wo or three hours & sweeten lightly.

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A solid pie is a larder in itself, & is as useful on the moors or at sea as in country situations, where families are liable to the incursions of VORACIOUS visitors

Mistress Margaret Dods, Cook and Housewife's Manual (1826)

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