

I’m a guy who plays games and enjoys only the finest of memes. I also enjoy making memes and stories for others to enjoy. Profile Pic by @ruebharb

フォロー数:1133 フォロワー数:233

I got Symphogear.

Reply and I'll give you a series to post 4 of your favorite characters from.

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Finally got around to making my new Twitter Banner and Phone Wallpaper with wallpapers from most recent Hero Rises voting Poll

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Brain: You doing anything?
Me: Not right now. Why?
Brain: Miku and Goku's names are the exact same when you switch the first two letters.
(I have no regrets)

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I'd like to volunteer a candidate for the new Pogchamp

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Loving the new Mythic hero for

(I'm not sorry)

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Without a doubt: Corrin from FE Fates

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As a fan of M!Corrin, this excites me greatly

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With Min Min breaking the "Spirit deconfirms fighters" rule, I gotta just put out my 4 hopes for fighters with spirits: (I couldn't find a pic of Young Cricket's spirit fight, but it's as Lucario on Suzaku Castle)

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