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Shuma Gorath has a pretty hefty role in the recently finished run of Savage Avengers. Taking all of it's original inspirations from Robert E. Howard's original cthonic inspirations, Shuma gets himself into a bind with Kulan Gath and it's up to Doc Strange and Conan to save 'em.
Omega Red is featured very often in both Wolverine and X-Force's current ongoing run. Recently he was a sleeper agent for some vampires I guess, and the main antagonist for X Lives / Deaths of Wolverine. It gets WEIRD.
You know who had a good wedding though? Rogue!! Rogue and Gambit have been happily married, Rogue got her mom Destiny back, and she's literally in the X-Men just to pick fights with people. She's living her best life right now.
Dr. Doom is still the arch nemesis to the Fantastic Four, and he has some WORDS for the world.
He had a wedding recently. It did NOT go well.
Captain America is some big movie star now lol. In the books, he's currently moved back into New York full time in a brand new series called Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (also Falcon has a complimentary book)
Cable...kind of goes through the ringer. Cable is killed by his younger self (?), and has a few adventures up until his younger self is retired for classic Cable.
Marrow! She's a sparingly used character these days, so here's some significant strides.
- Depowered by Scarlet Witch along with a bunch of other mutants
- Mysteriously repowered, has a stint in X-Force
- Now a member of Secret X-Men!
Nothing's really changed with Wolverine since his death and rebirth (lol.)
He's alive and has a pretty okay ongoing right now written by Benjamin Percy, that also features a significant event for him titled X Lives / X Deaths of Wolverine.