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Gizmo Fantastic!
One of my personal favs, she's bubbly and fun! I have plans to make her story into a game maybe? I kind of split off from the original person I partnered her with, she needs a duo character to bounce off with better.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Tallyho!, etc?
Ackee (TEMP DESIGN) (He/Him??)
Mysterious hunter. Part of an upcoming comic oneshot. Co created with @suraiyalangrood
-- Stories they're apart of --
Dr. Yingsu Long (?) (She/Her)
Looks familiar, too familiar. Mysterious apparition of Arthur's mind, seems to be real though?
-- Stories they're apart of --
Arthur: The Timeless Knight, any story Arthur is apart of.
Arthur Merdraut (He/Him)
A bland, milquetoast uninteresting man. He's super into Arthurian lore though, and runs a company called "Avilion Industries". Has taken a particular interest in Arthur P, however.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Arthur: The Timeless Knight
Gyro Geppi (He/They)
Maestro of Dreams, sweet little man. Atom's old caretaker.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Arthur: The Timeless Knight, Tallyho!, some other stuff
Dannon Shultz (He/Him)
Definitely needs a redesign, was part of a TFTL campaign. Computer whiz genius.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Arthur: The Timeless Knight, Tallyho!, 1216, (Not revealed yet)
Scaramouche "Mouche" Calberra (He/Him)
Kooky old man, knows more than you think.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Arthur: The Timeless Knight
Ukko Vandergilt (He/They)
Originally a star wars oc, he's the oldest of the 3 wayfarers, and also basically a glorified babysitter.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Starlight Wayfarers
Newton "Newt" Starr (They/Xem)
Used to be a NMS oc, and then used in an alien campaign. They're kind of goofy and the joke is that you'll never see their face.
-- Stories they're apart of --
Starlight Wayfarers
Orange Juice / OJ (They/Them)
Bug alien that just likes to give you oranges from a magic lunchbox. Loves money. Amnesiac.
-- Stories they're apart of --
I FIGHT MONSTERS, Starlight Wayfarers