

I draw sometimes ?

フォロー数:2697 フォロワー数:269

Finished watching on and wanted to draw something for the amazing couple and I plan to do more drawings of the other wonderful characters eventually!

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Wanted to draw Rakan in some sort of swim wear so I guess he's a lifeguard? (could probably have done better but i'm happy with how this turned out)

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I haven't made an actual drawing in what seems like forever so here's a little something. (he's my main and I love him)

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I should really draw an updated version of him...would be cool to see him in someone else's style!

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I haven't drawn in a while so i'm sorry if it looks bad. But I felt the need to draw you.

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Oh shit i finished just in time before school. Surprise!

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I suck at backgrounds. Also the light source isn't from the pumpkin, it's just a magical nonexistent light source.^ↀᴥↀ^

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I finally friggin finished it. One with a dark background and one with a white one.

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