

Isilian. Elezen are neat. Owner of Bryn’s largest glue empire. Glamslut. Lots of fluffy screenshots✨ DRG, GNB, RPR main. Soft-core raider

フォロー数:610 フォロワー数:1286

"Ooooh what's this do?~"

5 43

🌿Name: Kelly
🌿Pronouns: She/Her
🌿Age: 28
🌿Sign: Aquarius
🌿Games: FFXIV, League, Witcher series, Elder Scrolls
🌿Movies: Princess Mononoke, LoTR, Shrek 🌝
🌿Shows: The Office, Parks and Rec, any HGTV trash

0 7

*hands u some spicy DRG pics*

0 21

So...Emet only has one earring. He gave the other one to Azem. I don’t make the lore I just enforce it.

5 23

*tries cayenne for the first time*

1 14

Wait...all the trial bosses from 5.x are hot...

0 11

New Ascian-style DRG glam 👍

2 9