


フォロー数:795 フォロワー数:63

Here is a new drawing of Platimous from Temtem) with updated design for my human character ОзО

10 23

Good luck guys)) so far u doing an amazing job with the game <З

0 1

Finally finished this Temtem drawing, might do more in the future with others tems who knows. For now it's dedicated to Temtem developers <З good luck guys

4 20

well since u like it so much, i'll leave this here

1 35

Hi there) started to watch your channel recently and i love it)) so i decided to draw this <З ( didn't really know how u look so i tried to based it on drawings on your channel) your voice is beautiful so keep it up ^-^

0 3

Drawn some wierd shit today

0 3

Me playing Yu-gi-oh drawn in Jojo style with Red eyes Slash Dragon as my STAND? Why not ( Not gonna lie, kinda proud of this one)

2 15