

discord: somedudelel

フォロー数:2652 フォロワー数:498

It's been like a month and I still can't figure out a good pose to use for a commission with Bela in this outfit haha

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I haven't shown her nearly enough love

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There isn't terribly much actually written of it, but I've been working on an array of projects featuring these characters and more! They mostly center on Martha Marvel, girl detective, but also her friends and neighbors in different genres

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More new characters coming soon, Abby's about to be part of a trio and Piper's parents are getting designed

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I've got these characters that exist in Martha's world that I've done very little with. I figured that the lynx would've been Martha's main inspiration in asking questions and investigating, but that's about it

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My bat girl Bela, who I love a lot and haven't given nearly enough attention to

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My favorite oc design has to be Abby Rhode, as derivative as her design is. Especially these wonderful newest pieces by

Bela is a close second, but I did not actually design her myself

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My favorite oc has got to be that wonderful little bat-eared fox, Martha Marvel. My pinned tweet has all sorts of info on her and her friends!

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My actual oldest oc is... Not really original and a bit too cringy. So here's number 2, Inkwell

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