Taco Tribe ༼ ง ⊙ᴗ⊙。༽ง 🌮さんのプロフィール画像

Taco Tribe ༼ ง ⊙ᴗ⊙。༽ง 🌮さんのイラストまとめ

@0xPolygon’s Best Taco w/ $GUAC | discord.gg/TacoTribe | 20% to #ENDAlz | Supply: 8226 | 61% MINTED | by @HelloRyanHolmes

フォロー数:2500 フォロワー数:18460

GM Tribe & happy

As tradition put your favorite taco as your pfp and post why you love the tribe! Make sure to tag us!

Don’t forgot we will start our Twitter space at 2pm EST today! Then we will jump in the discord for some games & Twitch for some giveaways!

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