Inuyasha Higurashiさんのプロフィール画像

Inuyasha Higurashiさんのイラストまとめ

𝐈𝐍𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐘Ō | Parody

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:1375

“This time, I’ll definitively kill you, bastard.”

Two old enemies will fight once again. Naraku Vs Inuyasha!

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A weird ring has chosen the hanyo to protect his beloved ones.

Its time to join this fight.

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“You’re the only one ruining everything, Naraku.”

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Now let’s show them what are they capable of!


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And while his partners were performing their strategy, Inuyasha ended up cutting the lizards near his position.

Now everything goes to Erza and the barbarian girl.

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Maybe it was able to wrap his arm... but he would use it in his favor!

SLASH, with Tetsusaiga, the hanyou would cut the head of the monster.

“One coming to your left, new girl!”

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Now that the team was made, the hanyo, the knight and the brawler would go to the first room.

“This place looks bigger than I thought. But finally, we arrived to another place...”

A magic barrier covered the entrance and the exit. One trap was activated!—

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el híbrido. Usando como impulso partes que caían, Inuyasha llegaría al cuello del Titan.

“ ¡Es tu fin!


Un corte más buscaría conectar directamente en el cuello del Titan Fundador. Aquel corte negro formaría una —

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Más titanes trataron de liberar aquel calor, pero Inuyasha comenzó a usar su energía yoki en aquellos cortes. En varias ocasiones chocaba contra los Titanes, causando que estos fueran derrumbados y obstruyendo el camino de los otros. Así es como —

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