

Rob Small • scottish freelance artist/animator • looking for animation work • cool simpsons nerd • available for commissions • he/him

フォロー数:1752 フォロワー数:469

tinus the squirrel

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this is the main character, a sapling that just goes by "tree"

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you flick on the light in the kitchen at 4am and see these guys kicking about, knocking stuff off your shelves and helping themselves to the chocolate in your fridge. what do you do?

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i've got a new tablet and computer set up and ready to go waheyy, expect my drawing output to be at least 5% better from here on out

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12. Favourite Professor

Either Oak or Elm for this one. I had to look up who the one for X & Y was 'cause I had completely forgotten.

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11. Favourite Rival

It's gotta be this guy, although I will say I think Hop is incredibly overlooked too. That guy actually had a character to him.

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10. Favourite Mythical

Uhhhh Celebi I guess

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9. Favourite Pseudo Legendary

I think Dragapult has been my fav of the whole lot. What a cool character

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8. Favourite Region

Initially I was gonna say Johto, but I think Hoenn has the best map to explore in the series

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