

Welcome to TheYukiverse! Scheduled posts of the artwork used for the YCG! Follow @YukisPanda (personal account) for everything else.…

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I should make at least 1 art post to start this off: it's the Summer Alt art of (I'd post the original art but, it was a temporary art that I never replaced lol).

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Today's is D25 Winda! When this card is removed from your field by your opponent, you get to replace her with another card from your deck! On top of that, she can return your opponent's cards to their hand, and has an easy-to-power-up Attack to boot!

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To celebrate the new rules on the Wiki and the new game update, today's is a new card; Summoner! If you have "Hero Summoning Gate" and "ORB", you can use this to search your deck for ANY character! A tricky 3 card-combo that's absolutely worth trying for!

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For today's let's look at a card from the new update! Notte is a great support card for Dragonblood Prince or Corrin! Protecting cards with 3 Attacks by giving them Armour Counters, and being able to revive Dragon characters and negate attacks? What a great support!

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There's the render I'm using. The background is literally the start screen from the game XD

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