

J-E Translator (Novels: 86, Last of My Kind,etc) Games: (Bustafellows, Gore Screaming Show) |reads assorted eroge| Aoba Ringo Cultist |ENG/עבר/日本語 |minors DNI🔞

フォロー数:1364 フォロワー数:2706

Blue Reflection Tie/Second Light: Probably my GOTY from a sheer video game standard. Tsuchiya's a mad genius who was able to take a disappointing mess like Blue Reflection and make it an incredibly memorable and ambitious RPG.

0 4

Tsukihime Remake, a piece of glass moon: A long awaited remake of a classic that, within the scope of the two routes it showed, delivered on its promises with aplomb. Arc's route was mostly a HD remaster of the doujin version, but it did improve on the experience a lot and—

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Bustafellows: Disclosure, I worked on this game's translation. Exciting otome crime drama with great production values and a vibrant character cast. The boys are great and Teuta is a wonderful protagonist with so much personality.

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Rance Quest Magnum: Gonna keep this brief because honestly I don't have a lot of new to bring to the table. Loved it, great game overall, you can probably keep playing it forever. The Magnum storyline was great. Now just to get to 6 and 9 so I can play 10...

0 4

Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends and the Secret Fairy - Gameplaywise I enjoyed this game a lot better than the first one, but it really had some of the first game's flaws, too. Most of all, the game kinda ends on a whimper and it really left a stale aftertaste.

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Something about Yahiro's design's been bugging me for a while and I finally put my finger on it—she looks like the mom from Air.

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I appreciate that Motoka's route is about Haruka getting constantly tangled up with a 20-something-year-old chick that spends half her screen time in a maid outfit, the other half drunk, and 100% of it being a completely useless excuse for an adult.

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