

Recognizing that we all look at life through a narrow viewpoint means we need to expand that view and recognize how vast and complex everything is.

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Sometimes you should shoot for realistic goals!

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You may be tough but are you fighting a with a tough?

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When one door closes another will open. Be open to new possibilities!

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Wow! is messed up! The Do's and Don'ts of Pokemon Ownership!#BredToFight https://t.co/RXhNHfhfke

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What with your Dagobah and your greasy hair!

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Was the real hero in Knight? Compelling argument for that theory. http://t.co/K6unrcpEiu

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Don't just be a truck, be a truck that transforms into giant robot with guns!

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Since were already talking about you should check out our T-Hawk @ http://t.co/LNgfcBFEV9

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