

Slow drawer. Criticism is appreciated.

フォロー数:227 フォロワー数:744

Holy COW 100 followers in like 2 weeks even though I haven't posted like anything. Hopefully I'll be more productive in the future... Take a Niko for now while I still work on this other drawing

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Whoa it feels like im dreamin'. I think I'm almost finished.

13 118

alternate version where the bucket tool went rogue and made a sort of paper mario effect.

10 43

Just discovered Irises. Don't know what to do with this information.

5 42

Here's the full banner and capsule btw, it's pretty rushed but its supposed to look like a shitpost lol. I wanted to make ones of all my favorite games but only did this one for now.

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Niko! But with Don't Starve-ish proportions for some reason.

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