A Chromo that's FIGHTIN' BITTER and JOB!!!!さんのプロフィール画像

A Chromo that's FIGHTIN' BITTER and JOB!!!!さんのイラストまとめ

Gusto Ho!
Part time gamedev, all time bungo. Working on a game called BITTER @BITTER_game_
PFP by @/lupinaria

フォロー数:1362 フォロワー数:1843

Just realized I can do one of those
Sketch>>>Final Art posts

6 48

Oh hey, I'm totally down to do some 3-D modeling for y'all. I'll shoot an email 👀👍

0 13

A lil bit redesigned (they've got pants now 👀) but I feel like he fits in more with the tweaked style I'm going for.

1 3

An even lower-poly version of the Bitter Blaster

9 44