

she/her 🏳️‍⚧️ | 22 | asexual | D&D player, MtG collector | fantasy/horror author | friend of things in nature | #actuallyautistic | BLM | PFP by @antonarcana

フォロー数:382 フォロワー数:336



"I could have *sworn* I had more fillings in this thing..."

Comm from that I love so much 😭😭😭 thank you so much!!!

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Go give Reaux a comm!!! They are one of my absolute favorite people to work with https://t.co/wwaTBmJmDn

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GUYS just surprised me with my girl Merla 😭😭😭😭 he's one of the nicest people on the planet, thank you so much 😭

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Take a gander at this cutie!!!
I am absolutely IN LOVE with this headshot by !!! Go give them a follow if you haven't already:)

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He's stupid and I love him. Truly the ideal man

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Yeah, Ajani got Compleated and threw her from a skyship in the Dominaria United story :,(

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Y'all I cannot recommend these sketch pages enough!!! Pick up a slot if you can! https://t.co/Aqy6UEA5iE

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Tie between Deerling and Sawsbuck!

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I think I would like get good at backgrounds and landscapes, if for no reason other than that I love the Steven Universe establishing shots and I want to evoke a similar feeling

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