The YUNiversityさんのプロフィール画像

The YUNiversityさんのイラストまとめ

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👨🏻‍🏫ℹ️ Here is one of my favorite explanations for “who” vs. “whom”:

[Source: via ]

7 28

Wither = (v.) become dry and shriveled

Weather = (n.) climate

Flowers *wither* in hot *weather*. 🌺🌞

Whither = (adv.) to where, to what place or state:

*Whither* will Kakashi go for lunch? 🍣🍲

7 18

Restive = restless or stubborn

Restful = relaxing

The loud barking from the *restive* dog 🐕 kept Henry from spending a *restful* night. 😫

5 16

The difference between a wise man and an educated man 😂

[Comic source: by ]

ℹ️ If you’re wondering when to use “who” or “whom,” read this:

4 18

Maybe = perhaps

May be (verb phrase) = it’s possible

🤔 *Maybe* you should read this post:

8 13

Write 📝 = what authors do

Right = opposite of “left”; correct ✔

Rite = ceremony; custom

Wright = maker or builder 🛠

(Tricky, right?) 😏

[Comic by ]

4 10

Wither = (v.) become dry and shriveled

Weather = (n.) climate

Flowers *wither* in hot *weather*. 🌺🌞

Whither = (adv.) to where, to what place or state:

*Whither* will Kakashi go for lunch? 🍣🍲

5 13

Restive = restless or stubborn

Restful = relaxing

The loud barking from the *restive* dog 🐕 kept Henry from spending a *restful* night. 😫

10 10

Kid = (n.) human child 👦🏻

Kid = (n.) baby goat 🐐

Kid = (v.) deceive (someone) in a playful or teasing way

[Comic source:]

20 26

The difference between a wise man and an educated man 😂

[Comic source: by ]

ℹ️ If you’re wondering when to use “who” or “whom,” read this:

3 12