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The YUNiversityさんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:375987

Stages of Procrastination 🎨 by chibird

167 74

I’d =

1. I WOULD: I’d like to write ✒ Jo’s biography one day.

2. I HAD: I’d been sick until yesterday. 😷

152 118

Don’t be a coward. Do what’s right.

356 172

ROUSE [rouz] = (v.) to awaken

RUSE [rooz] = (n.) a trick

Jo thought of a funny *ruse* to *rouse* Zoro from his nap.

71 71

Bite → bit → Has, have, had + *bitten* (not “bit”)

Touka *has bitten* Kaneki before.

50 40

“Seek” → “sought” (not “seeked”) → Has, have, had “sought.”

Amon *sought* the ghoul known as “Eyepatch.”

107 74

“Sanction” has opposite meanings:

1. to allow👌

2. to prohibit 🙅⛔

Thanks for nothing, English.

(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ︵ ┻━┻

123 97