

Pedos, TERFs, Zoos, Nazis, Racists, etc can fuck off

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Forgot to post latest artfights!
I'm super proud of the scarf boi and I finally learned how to draw beaks.

That is all, get some sleep folks <3

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*aggressively draws at 1am*

guess that's why it's called artfight?

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threw a friendly fire attack out!

Decided to stop lazing around and start attacking again

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My third attack of the year, I have a shit ton of people bookmarked, excited to continue my relentless art rampage

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Just finished my second Artfight attack! waiting for the site to let me post it 😩😩

Art block can kiss my ass I'm still drawing idc

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since artfight is down, as it is every year ;) I'm team sugar and will friendly fire back~

Here's some bois who I'd love art on~
Second piece of Shade is old but relevant please don't be afraid to anthro him!

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A lad <3 just finished him less than 5 minutes ago!

Originally I was gonna try and give him away but I fell in love while drawing him

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me waiting to get followers while having nothing to give them

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