

Writer, photographer, artist, scientist, political analyst °

フォロー数:29427 フォロワー数:26600

Bitcoin ATMs enable buying bitcoins with $US, but they don't allow selling them for $US... Caveat Emptor

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When people buy because they like the look of the coins. ;)

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Good 600-max-words "flash fiction" (Huge Alien ship, mines jupiter, gives curt, dismissive msg to Humans & leaves)

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=#Russia expects a huge explosion originating from foreign countries .. of tourists! 18 Countries now visa free!

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backing of US-Saudi fiasco in now haunts them, as rejects desperate deal on

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=boring. Says CIA hacks GOOG +MSFT +AAPL phones, PCs & email for weakness to steal user's private info.

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The real reason doesn't live at the White House is because it's haunted?

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When faced w/ a choice of knowing or feeling comfortable, most humans quickly choose the comfort of rationalizations, fiction & lies

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sudden, mind-boggling, new bond w/ involves deep, secret, plots+intrigues which even the can't fathom. ..

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