

I make boats sometimes.

I get bad pulls in gacha sometimes.

My gallery is linked below until I figure out someplace else to shove it

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Added more minor details, a low-poly MG-42 and an IR searchlight (i think) to the commander's cupola

Think I'm more or less done, all that's left is the hell that is rendering, and writing stats + story

Also made the tank in Sprocket to get a weight estimate

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Day 15. Assuming I got the memo right this time, it's capital ships, right?

I only have Star Wars ships ready at the moment, but here's a corvette escorted by a few heavy X-wings

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Update. Made new tracks and roadwheels, and sideskirts so I can hide the fact that the tracks only go over the bottom

angled side armor will give it good protection at the cost of absolutely horrid crew space. Gun also only has -3° of gun depression (irl IS-7 only had -1°)

5 25

Working on a new tank. Yes, it did take me well over a week to make a cast turret that I actually like.

Next to it is a tank that I've made years ago but never published. Needs a bit of an updated too

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Well, since it's May the 4th, Here's a small imperial heroship/light corvette.

Fully modelled interior

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just realized that I need a not!patton equivalent, unless i want my nation to be using an upgraded not!sherman until the 1980s

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New turret for new project

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Safety added, as well as some iron sights and details. All done I think, I'll render it when I get home from work

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