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#OnePiece #MyHeroAcadamia
#SevenDeadlySins #BlackClover #DrSTONE #DemonSlayer #AnimesDel1
#AnimeShips #AnimeCouples #AnimeMemes #anime #animefanart
Anime ships that I hope will become couples one day
#AttackOnTitan #OwariNoSeraph #SevenDeadlySins #HunterxHunter #onepiece985
#NARUTO #DragonBallSuper #FairyTail #BLEACH #FullmetalAlchemistBrotherhood #twinstarexorcists #Berserk #mobpsycho100 #BlueExorcist #anime #animefanart
What is the best "Rage" moment in anime
#BlackLagoon #HunterXHunter #FairyTail #AttackOnTitan #codegeass
#GurrenLagann #JoJosBizarreAdventure #gintama #OnePiece #NARUTO #BLEACH #akamegakill #DemonSlayer #fireforce #BORUTO #VinlandSaga #DrSTONE #anime #AnimeMemes
Most underrated masterminds in anime
#BlackLagoon #Claymore #TwinStarExorcists #radiant
#NARUTO #NarutoShippuden
#DragonBallSuper #anime #BLEACH #OnePiece #MyHeroAcademia #BlackClover #SevenDeadlySins #FullMetalAlchemist #TokyoGhoul #FairyTail #HunterXHunter #Inuyasha
I feel like these shows are slept on
#FairyTail #killlakill #AkameGaKill #Noragami #AttackonTitan #Claymore
#anime #NARUTO #NarutoShippuden #DragonBallSuper #TokyoGhoul #Berserk #MyHeroAcademia #sevendeadlysins #blackclover257 #DemonSlayer #fireforce #DrSTONE
Female characters who don't need to be saved
#Digimon #Pokemon #beyblade #yugioh #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper #DragonBallGT #anime #animewallpaper #BLEACH #OnePiece #yuyuhakusho #SwordArtOnline #inuyasha #HunterXHunter #DemonSlayerKimetsuNoYaiba #MyHeroAcademia
These heroes made our childhood great
#killlakill #BlackLagoon #Claymore #SailorMoon #DragonBallSuper #TokyoGhoul #FairyTail #AkameGaKill #AttackOnTitan
#inuyasha #CowboyBebop #BORUTO #RurouniKenshin #OwariNoSeraph #codegeass
#gurrenlagann #highschooldxd
Female main characters who need more attention
#NARUTO #NarutoShippuden
#Berserk #OwariNoSeraph #AttackOnTitan #HunterXHunter #magi #AnimeArt #anime_eupho #anime #AnimeMemes
"Revenge is what drives me to get stronger"
#Berserk #AttackOnTitan #Parasyte #TokyoGhoul #hellsing #DeathNote #anime #AnimeMemes
Animes you rarely find any funny moments in