The Thinker's Gardenさんのプロフィール画像

The Thinker's Gardenさんのイラストまとめ

Literary olio focused on antique tales, strange prophecies, and far distant lands.


フォロー数:1427 フォロワー数:1811

Spirit photography, ghost-seers, and the "Night-side of Nature": our interview with Dr

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"I came to understand that Nubian pilgrimages to and activities at the sacred site of Philae were actually older than the extant temple of Isis that was built under Ptolemy II…”

-from our interview with Professor :

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“Praetorius’s world and his work were constructed of wonderment at the magical universe...”

We spoke to Professor Gerhild Williams about the news reporter and demonographer Johannes Praetorius:

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"Re-enchantment allows us to imagine better alternatives, draw meaningful relationships, and have more fulfilling lives."

-from our NEW interview with editor

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“In they also believe that priests, if they are willing, can conjure storms by employing prayers and exorcisms.” - Lambert d'Aubert de Résie

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"Mermaids...have been shoaling around the sunless depths of the human psyche since the time of the ancient Mesopotamians."

From the archives: our interview with .

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"The striped hyena is believed to confer magic powers, and his flesh, hair, and teeth are objects of contention."

ref: Popular Science Monthly, March 1885

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According to one writer, Parisian miners in the 19th century hoped to find the "liard de pharaon", a coin from the time of Ancient Egypt.

Whoever unearthed it would be destined for a life of luxuriance.

Ref: Les merveilles du monde souterrain (1868)

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"In olde dayes of the king Arthour, Of which that Britons speake great honour, All was this land full fill'd of faerie...But now can no man see non elves mo..."

-from Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

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"It is a vulgar proverb, that it is easy to raise the devil but difficult to bury him."

ref: Letters of S. Taggart. Original Latin 16th-cent aphorism: "Facile vocaveris Cacodæmona, sed vocatum non facile repuleris."

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