

Nerd YouTuber 🐺🦁🐉Sweet Summer Mhysa 🐶Keeper of Lore📚Yuki&Kaito’s Mom🐾Targaryen Loyalist🔥💉 Host of Obsidian Nights ♊️ YouTube - GrayArea👾

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“When the sun sets your line shall end”

64 569

Criston Cole begging Rhaenyra to run away to Essos with him😂

5 95

He fell from his horse!!!! Daenerys 8


2 38

“What hour is this?" he asked Moqorro. "That cannot be sunrise unless the east has moved. Why is the sky red?"
"The sky is always red above Valyria, Hugor Hill."

When the sun rises in the East😬

9 109

This video is getting big af😩 seriously tho. Like y’all why did Black Harren buggar the whole Riverlands for weirwood for the rafters of harrenhal.. but then say not this one tho??? He doesn’t worship the old gods sooooo 🧐

0 12

“Thousands of captives died in his quarries, chained to his sledges, or laboring on his five colossal towers. Men froze by winter and sweltered in summer. Weirwoods that had stood three thousand years were cut down for beams and rafters.”

No wonder it’s cursed

4 81

Nah because looks lit af!!! Do y’all see what I see?? Screammmmmmin

18 296

Be A Dragon🐉

0 259