deAn cartoonsさんのプロフィール画像

deAn cartoonsさんのイラストまとめ

Cartoonist for Private Eye, The Critic, Spectator, The Phoenix amongst others. All thoughts are my own apart from the ones I steal.…

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:1878

T'was the Dog Club before Christmas. Here's my xmas card wot that I drew for dog club people...

7 21

Getting ready to head out and vote, makes me feel so powerful.

2 5

Bit rubbish this one, but fire it out anyway...

1 1

After years doing cartoons like these, I have just been bitten by a dog (not mine), off to the doctors I go for a shot. Don't blame the dog, as I feel it is his way of saying, "Not so funny now, prick!"

0 5

I think I've figured it all out...

0 1

Dog cartoon, happy weekend all...

3 7

It's day! Why not get your own back on that co-worker you never much cared for by borrowing a very large and disgruntled dog?

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