

* Former Floridian * Former Los Angelian * Turn of the Century Motherfucker *

フォロー数:455 フォロワー数:452

When you want to do the whole toonify thing but you want the absolute bi-ist lighting possible so you draw it yourself.

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It’s literally the size of your palm and god damn if there already isn’t a chan version of it in the world.

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SECONDED. I love my bb pumpkin Bulba's!

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Tonight's embroidery stream has begun! Gonna be sewing Appa from Avatar as requested by ! Live now, Let's goooooooo!

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We’re playing a middle school classic with and diving headfirst into Maplestory. Lord help the mayhem. Come join the chaos!

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Stolen from ... She’s not as curvy as me but the faces are equally round 😂😂😂

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