Thomas Etty Seedsさんのプロフィール画像

Thomas Etty Seedsさんのイラストまとめ

Heritage seed retailer. Supplier of wholesale bespoke seed goods. Published author.

On bluesky with same name


フォロー数:3174 フォロワー数:3732

For our flower and herb packets we use Victorian/Edwardian botanical illustrations, again, a few of my favourites. This link will take you to the additions planned for our 2021 catalogue.

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Last offering. See you one the other side. Be excellent to each other!

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More tomorrow if you are good. Twice as many if you are not!

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N poeticus "plenus" produces beautiful, large & fragrant double white flowers which in purity, form & sweetness liken them to gardenias, for which reason it is often called the Gardenia-flowered Narcissus .This is the double form of common Pheasant’s Eye. Valuable for cutting.

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SWEET WILLIAM. Holborn Glory. By 1896."Individual Flower the size of an old penny, with a well dented white edge,& a large white centre, the flower trusses are a combination of purple red & a pristine white ring bloom on straight, stiff stalks easily grown from seeds.

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Viola cornuta. "Minor". P. Introduced 1776. "..and being a hardy herbaceous perennial, eafily propagated by its creeping roots. It has become very common in our gardens of which it is no defpicable ornament producing a profufion of bloom during the greateft part of summer."

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Just sourced some Mertensia maritima seeds from one of my French suppliers. Anyone interested?

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