

Game designer and illustrator making Halls of Teknor @hallsofteknor. Previously: Lethal league, Skatebird toys, Penarium. He/Him

フォロー数:1402 フォロワー数:9163

Cute art huh? Doing that always makes me feel warm and nice.

8 34

I drew this today. 👨🏻‍🎨

5 36

Are you Curious?!?

1 21

I made this drawing next week.
Your kids are gonna love it.

8 60

I sketched a mean and ELECTRIQUE Skrapnel for a friend.

2 11

Sweet. A hashtag just for me. ME!

16 67

Hell yeah! Thank you! I try to do something a bit different every time with these albums.

0 1

Hell yeah friend you got that right. Kikuman Sunshine!

0 1

Today is nice drinks day :)

4 30