

i make thomas and friends faces

3D modeller/trainz user

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:2297



hi everyone.
Id just like to say a late thank you very much for 1500 followers, it really means a lot.

to show my appreciation this time, id like to show you what ive been redoing i should say over the past couple weeks..

i think this is Mk 3 of every Gordon face ever made.1/2

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btw, i dont think i ever posted Rosie with all her faces, so here they are including a few customs

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if i can make Spencer, i can make Murdoch..

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another random topic. the last time i felt soo freakin excited for a film to come out at cinemas was when the Simpsons movie came out. I can just remember all the dramatic trailers and the build up towards it, plus i can remember the online games just being fucking brilliant 1/2

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ill probs make some custom faces tomorrow, we'll see how it goes

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i decided to improve on my James faces for the third and (hopefully) final time, this is where im up to now and believe me, quite a few changes have been made to how they looked before

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