Mia Jay Boulton | Of Swamp & Sea on WEBTOONさんのプロフィール画像

Mia Jay Boulton | Of Swamp & Sea on WEBTOONさんのイラストまとめ

Writer/artist/storyteller - She/Her - Draws and co-writes Of Swamp & Sea, @webtoonofficial Original series!
Represented by @lanewriteswords with Ultra Literary

フォロー数:519 フォロワー数:1727

Daily sketch: ( )
You might think this daily sketch is late because I didn't post it on Friday, but a wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

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Daily sketch: ( )

As far as I understand it, some kind of capitalist rodent...

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Daily sketch: Elizabeth ( )
I meant to draw her when I was doing my string of videogame heroines, but I somehow missed her!! Well, now Danny Phantom and Rose Quartz will just have to be strong videogame heroines too...

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