

30, He/Him 🔞NSFW🔞OPEN DM📧 Muscle Artist

Support my Galleries!

📺 Streams Sat. 4PM Chicago Time


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I sort of wanted to open a Patreon for a while now but it's mostly to be used as a monthly donation thing... it's still needs to be refined more but I'll throw out a poll.

0 7

Heretic's Hedonism

The Heretic wears the Visage to atone for any trespass deemed dangerous by the Faith.

8 24

Sorry mate. Accidentally tapped "Reply All"

3 18

Some News:

I've returned from my Hiatus!

I've also found out I'm unemployed!

Hiatus is extended!.... Please bear with this captain for a while longer.

2 15

A'hoy mate. Great to see you're hosting raffles! Doubt I'll need to give you the full sitrep with our man here, but always reach out!

1 8

I'd like to think I'm good at drawing. Not the greatest, but skilled enough to get the idea across.

5 14