

✨Tifa Elitist ✨ slightly obsessed with FF7 ✨ #Cloti #FFVIIR #クラティ Cloud Strife gatekeeper☁️🐬🐍 Nibelheim Trinity Truther ✨RHG ✨

フォロー数:2827 フォロワー数:10287

Colorful art train ~

Thank you for the tag 😭 well this is me.

Tagging these wonderful people ✨

4 33

Sonon and Yuffie toad form 🐸

8 58

Unfortunately a lot of love interests are not compelling characters, but Tifa has a compelling story and is a strong character in her own right, not just a prop for Cloud. In fact she takes center stage over the course of the story, she’s someone you can actually get invested in.

2 40

Can I keep them? 🥺

8 109