

No longer really posting here go follow @AliceJDoodles that’s my new page ^^💕

フォロー数:546 フォロワー数:4902

Little doodle from last nights stream, decided to indulge a bit. Also wanted to have fun with a nose piercing sooo. Based on this pic by

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Just looking back over these cuz I love em. Here's a few by

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Some more by them Cuz they are great

3 52

Need to doodle my characters more, I've been hogging up the spotlight heh. So here's a few of them done by other awesome people that ya'll should check out if ya haven't. To start here's a few I love from , , and

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Little something I doodled up for for their birthday. Had fun with lighting think it came out nice enough. ^v^ If ya haven't checked em out yet you should~ They do fun animations as well as sequences/comics.

Don't think that candle will last for tooooooo long.

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With a few little ones extra, come on already have the kidnapping started for ya.

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Some late night doodling and a work in progress. Dumb mutt stuff ~ And some fun tape stuff.

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Mmk wasn't a bad stream got some fun stuff out. A little mooing Ali, having to get milked another way. As well as a few quickie doodles featuring a pig tailed Ali about to get a treat. As well as and Cuz they are super cute and awesome so Check em out.

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Little snipit of stream atm, some self indulgent stuff. Cuz moooo

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