

not super active! im elsewhere as timegearlux | icon @bleatnik_ | banner @brendan_exe_

フォロー数:949 フォロワー数:1621

i told her to throw away a repel

0 13

dingo be like "i hate byleth all the moves are just copy pasted" then hypes up this

0 14

keep findin myself coming back to this one

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just registered for my first vaccine shot here in a couple weeks the light at the end of the tunnel is so close

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tysm for making my first emote!! they did such a good job with it!!

3 26

actual photo of me using my evil WiFi warrior clout powers to convince people that sheik is mid tier and to call them Pythra

1 11

dudes will play the game with a character that’s sole purpose is to be a conduit for the players actions and be like “I relate to this character HEAVY”

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